I was going to tear a strip off the networking sector and the other bits of general crappiness about job searching in Vancouver, but I figured that this is moot and would not really aid in my job search. Infact it would probably hurt it, and make me look like a bitter resentful washed up computer science geek.
So, instead, I'm sending out a very big thank-you to all that are contributing in a positive way to my job-search. Extra thanks to those who have really gone out of their way.
In no particular order: Josef, Mittal & Sangeeta, "Captain" Doug, "f", "Saint", "right-round", "'b", Brad-L and Mike-b.
I'm still trying guys! I won't let the lack of progress so far get me down. I'm determined to find something good "come Hell or high-water'.
Also Josef: "Thanks again."