Well, hello everyone. I'm now based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and will be for about a month. I'm working out here for the same boss I had the over a number of summers for my last few co-op terms in Saskatoon. He's moved out here to take over as Dean of Science at Dalhousie University.
If you would like to read about the trip out here (a long drive), I've retro-dated a series of entries from earlier July.
The last week or so has been a blur of unpacking many, many teapots. But things are settling in. One of these days, there may even be mirrors I can shave in front of . . . how vain I've become.
And if you want to know what things were like just before I left Saskatoon, here is a shot from the final barbeque at the house where I lived for the last year:
jesus man, you are so drunk you are drinking bbq sauce.
Dogma shirt and blue hoodie. Nice.
Yeah, and it is a little cliché you going to Europe to travel, except it's for more than 6 weeks, and you'll be living with your cool bro instead of doing a whirlwind tour.
Not shown: the video of me chugging the remainder of the sauce shortly after this was taken.
Dad happened to be visiting that night, and closed his window to the back yard after that episode.
Posted by: warcode on July 22, 2003 05:10 PM