I guess it's time for my bi-annual update. Highlights of the life-of-mike include:
– I am now half finished my MBA out here in Kingston, which is very exciting. I've probably said it before but Kingston is kinda a hole. Not much of note happens here outside of the university. And the stuff that happens on university grounds mostly includes undergrad booze-ups and people prancining around in kilts. Not that I'm complaining, but...
– In half a year I'll be out of here, and it looks like I'll be making a triumphant(?) return to Vancouver come next June. I will soon officially be part of Vancouver's job boom. I'll give more details when it's finalized.
– I went out to Montréal for thanksgiving and got to see the leaves turn red and gold. In fact, I pretty much got to see most of the season pass before my eyes since I was stupid enough to try to go up to Mount Tremblant. Apparently part of Québec's specialness is an utter lack of understand of parking lots. We ended up being in a line to park that stretched for the better part of 10 kilometers. And after a while red and gold leaves kinda lose their appeal.
– I had a week off a in late October and headed back to Calgary just in time to experience the first nasty winter storm. Really, until you've driven home from Drumheller at dusk on roads that look like skating rinks, you've never really experienced sheer vehicular terror. Except if you've been up the Sea-to-Sky highway on a dark and stormy night. Some of you know what I'm talking about.
– Finally! Those things always creeped me out.
That's it for now. I'll try to be more frequent in the updating, though I'm sorely limited by the fact that very little of interest happens when you're in class 8 hours a day.