I live in a little village on the outskirts of Fontainebleau forest.
Last night while driving home, I nearly ran over two wild boar. The night before, there were deer grazing by the highway.
Then when I got home - a mouse ran through my kitchen. Sure brings back fond memories of living in the HOF.
Make sure you take them out quickly this time, before they establish a base of operations like your lazy-susan.
Posted by: warcode on February 8, 2003 02:25 AMforget about this mice... try to hit one of the wild boars
with your car, then prepare this tasty recipe:
But if you ignore the mice, they will come in the night and nibble your lovely roasted boar.
For shame, Michal. Was I alone in my fear of the mice?
Posted by: warcode on February 8, 2003 10:31 AMcome to think of it, the mice never really gave me any trouble.
it was a bit reassuring to know they were there, like little
flightless canaries in the big scary coal mine that was our house.
i think i will just get a cat ;)
Posted by: nicki on February 9, 2003 11:53 PMYes. Canaries. Little flightless disease-carrying canaries.
Posted by: warcode on February 10, 2003 04:52 AM