so i'm thinking i'm gonna be a liftee for the season.
stop laughing.
seriously, it's 4 days on, 3 days off which leaves me plenty of time to make real money doing computer work (i actually have some contracts now. w00t.) and plenty of time for serious snowboarding. i also get a free pass. and cheap beer at the GLC, dusty's and merlin's. and a cheaper pass to the gym. and there's tons of new hotties working for the mountain this year. so ... lots of reasons to be a liftee as far as i can tell.
there is one really strange thing though. i had my company fit interview (rah rah intrawest) and then a group interview. that should be enough right? right? no. i have a *third* interview on november the 1st. so . . . not only do i go through 3 fucking interviews to be hold a chairlift all day, i'm getting fucked over on the hallowe'en festivities.
oh well. free pass, free pass, free pass . . .
posted by mike at October 29, 12:29 AM