anyone who's every met me knows i'm somewhat passionate about my opinions on music. ie. i'm right and everyone who doesn't think i'm right -- well, they're wrong.
i've got some pretty varied tastes as far as music goes but my main listening pleasure is derived from hip hop, drumnbass, dancehall and punk. however, when you live in a town like whistler, varied tastes in music are not exactly catered too. if you want to actually buy music up here (no, i don't download everything -- i support my faves) you go to bestsellers. i just bought bad religion - no control, a used copy no less, and it cost me $22 plus tax plus tax plus fucking tax. wackness. as for selection, it's gotten better than it used to be. i still can't find dnb i actually want to listen to but my punk tastes are well satisfied here and the hip hop selection is at least decent -- good luck finding true underground but you can at least get some non-radio styles. of course, i'd much rather hit the village to hear someone spinning some records, be it dnb or hip hop, so i can catch some new hits. riiiiiight. let's see, i can hear: top 40, top 40 rawk, top 40 club, bad house and that's about it. perfect. there's finally a dnb night up here (tuesday's at tommy africa's) but it's plagued by under-attendance and dj's who play the same goddamn sets and records every week. at least they've got skillz or i'd feel pretty stupid about going all the time. as for the "hip hop" nights, you can go hear seanski drop some great radio rap or go for mat the alien on wednesdays at the fish. mat's actually a good dj but the club has turned into a popular meeting place for pro's and pro ho's alike. not so much my style :)
so what do i do? well, i go down to vancouver for shows when i feel like it. i also buy music down at a&b sound or fwuh when i get the chance. and now that i have adsl hooked up . . . piracy is bound to ensue.
if anyone else out there likes live hiphop, come out this saturday. guru, atmosphere. and others will be filing into the commodore for an amazing performance. guru, mc to gangstarr, is one of the ground-breakers of hip hop and a wicked live act. atmosphere (mc slug & mr. dibbs on the 1200's) is without a doubt my fave group of the past year or so. check out god loves ugly and the lucy ford ep's for some mind-blowing beats and rhymes. you'll be at this show if you have any taste at all.
anyways, i gotta stop typing on this thing and get back to working.
oh yeah, if there are any other dnb/hiphop headz out there, blast me a mail and i'll set you up with an acct on my site - tons o' dnb, underground hip hop and dancehall.