So last night at 10:00pm I found out that I had an interview this morning at 11:30am. No problem I figured.
(take into account that I went to bed at 6:30am, and woke up at 10:15am)
So, I arrive, in Shirt/Tie & dress pants expecting to talk to the hr/tech guys...
Tech guy, (Aaron) says: "Hi, How are you.... "
Me: "Fine, fine".
(insert small talk here)
Aaron: Ok, so you are familiar with linux?
Me: Right at home on it.
Aaron: Ok, here's your computer. You have root privileges. I'm going to ask you to write some code.
Me: Ok.
Aaron: I'm just going to print it off, I'll be right back.
Me: Alrighty. (Immediately sit down and download my .vimrc file from antiflux so I can use the editor properly)
Aaron: (returns with a piece of paper in hand and notices that I'm already up to trouble)
Here's what we want you to do. If you have any questions, just ask.
Me: Ok.
This is what he gave me.
Here's the exact details:
Chris Jones
01 April 2003
Write a simple shopping cart application within the 2 hour interview.
Things you will use
PHP, PostgreSQL, HTML, Javascript, optionally css
Required Tasks
1) Setting up the database
- set up user for database
- set up tables
- set up permissions
Database Name: shopping_cart
Database Command via shell: psql -U postgres shopping_cart
NB. You will encounter a slight problem here. Be prepared to fix it!
2) Customer Side
- add items to the cart
- delete items from the cart
- edit quantities of items
- display the shopping cart
3) Admin Side
- add items to the database
- edit current items' name and price
- delete items from the database
Optional Tasks (if you have time)
1) Login page to log in as either a customer or admin
2) Improving look and feel of application
After 2 hours, I had basically Accomplished all of step one. And was working on bits of step three. (I skipped step 2)
He came over to see what I had done... not a lot. :)
Apparently nobody finishes this, but still I felt like I got next to nothing done. Most of the stumbling was over the damn PostgreSQL interface.
It was simultaneously the coolest and most difficult interview I have EVER done.
I find out tonight whether or not I get the job.
Yes, I DID ask if this was an April Fools joke. I was told that it was most certainly NOT. :)
Props to Beth, Jimmy George, and Shac for their quick responses on fatkids. That was when i reached panic mode. Wish I got to your links sooner guys, but got wrapped up in things. :)
Thanks again. You guys ROCK!