Well there is an air of sickness about my appartment. Good thing my room-mate left for the week. I'm sure there will be many sleepless nights as I toss & turn, pause to hack up a lung, and then sneeze repeatedly before blowing my nose.
Hooray for anti-histimines. They make you drowsy to boot.
No heavy machinery for me today.
I started swimming again this week. I remember how, I was surprised. I got a few tips from an ex-instructor, so it was really bennificial.
I saw some big fat guy on the bus... think... "pom-pom" in the japanese cartoon version...
Anyway...the guy was so far asleep he was almost snoring, but it was more like a fish gasping for air. I could hear him from the front of the bus. It was pretty funny.
It was my Dad's b-day on Wednesday: Happy Birthday Dad! I sent him a pair of Senator's tix for his b-day. I hope he enjoyed the game.
This week, I paid my bills, made some beef stew w/ dumplings, fajitas, banana bread... it was a pretty good week.
Still looking for work though, if you have any ideas, send them my way.