November 26, 2002
got a haircut, still no job

Well, I got a haircut today because I felt I needed one in order to keep up the illusion of self-respect. ;)
I do realize though, that there is next to NO way I will have a job before January 15th. I have pretty much given up hope.

Even my 'agressive' approach has hardly yeilded a phone-call, let alone an interview. I'm hustling around the city like a hooker with her pants around her ankles and bent over.

I'm almost ready to do anything to get some stability in my life. (This has not yet turned to prostitution)

Additionallky today I finished making some chicken stew. I hope to have some tomorrow for breakfast.

Tonight I was invited for dinner at my friends house for traditional Punjabi Indian cuisine. YUMMY!

Hope all is well. A special thought out to one of my ex-coworkers who was fired earlier this week. (3rd time in 18 months). This has nothing to do with him believe it or not...he just seems to get into places at the wrong time. :)


Posted by cjones at November 26, 2002 01:39 AM
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