I have been using Sage as an RSS agregator for a while now and I was getting a bit tired of the default presentation style. I found one that advertised itself as a Safari RSS look-alike. It was pretty close but they had copied the default Sage css file which has a bug in the link colouring in the text of news items. This made links white against an almost white background - not easy to read.
So I started poking around in the CSS file, and I'm no expert with CSS, but I managed to fix the link problem and clean up the spacing a bit. The results are here. This .tgz file has 3 files in it, two gifs for the title backgrounds and the css file. These guys have to be in the same directory, I have mine in the chrome directory of my firefox profile (no idea if this is a good place for them or not, but it works). Then you need to go to the options in Sage, tell it to use a custom CSS file and point it to my modified CSS file.
Posted by bforsyth at September 17, 2004 12:35 AMThanks -- big improvements!
Posted by: Steve at October 8, 2004 12:03 PMHiya,
Just wanted to say thanks for your Sage CSS work. I was getting kinda tired of the default display as well and switched over to using yours.
Posted by: Ben at November 4, 2004 11:01 AM