February 10, 2004
This is NOT helping me to relax

Yoga instructor: "The pelvis is the location of many traumatic events."

This is the same guy who seems to think that I should be able to lift my legs in the air while keeping my abdomen "soft". Unless "soft" means "sort of flabby," I'm not really sure how this can be achieved. I encourage you to try it. Right now. I don't care where you are; do it now!

Posted: February 10, 2004 05:05 PM
by: on February 11, 2004 12:46 PM:

tim: 2 minute downward-facing dog, stat!
I recommend trying to find a female yoga instructor. that way when she’s busting out the crazy demo poses and then you try it and you can barely touch your knees w/o curling your back, you can chalk it up to gender differences in humanoid construction and not your pathetic inflexibility. works for me, anyway.

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