October 02, 2002
Credit card companies hate me...

... and I hate them. Unfortunately, I can't express my hatred by constantly denying them credit cards. I guess I could send them letters notifying them that I have chosen not to apply for their credit cards, but I think that would be insufficiently impersonal.

Some will remember my frequent issues with applying for credit cards in the past. The most recent development is that I received a response today regarding the student card I applied for at my new US bank. Although they "tried very hard" to accomodate me, they discovered that my permanent residence is outside their marketing area (I foolishly filled in the section entitled "address when not at school").

Posted: October 02, 2002 06:08 PM
by: on October 2, 2002 08:44 PM:

didn’t you have a cibc visa?

by: on October 3, 2002 06:51 PM:

When I was at UBC, I was turned down for a “student Visa” and the only excuse they gave was that my rent was too high. I was living in Thunderbird and paying the same as just about any other UBC student, so I’m not sure why they marketed that card as a “student Visa”.

I also hate banks.

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