October 16, 2002
Lifestyles of the Socially Maladroit

So I went to an Arrogant Worms concert last week, which is somewhere between "Star Trek Convention" and "Magic the Gathering Tournament" in the hierarchy of geeky things to do. In my defense, a friend had an extra ticket and it seemed like a good idea.

To explain for the uninitiated, the Arrogant Worms are a 'Musical Comedy Band' along the lines of Weird Al Yankovic or Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie (for you Edmonton dwellers).

Contrary to what I expected, the concert was pretty fun. I first saw the Worms when I was in high school, so it was a nice bit of nostalgia. The Worms are also pretty funny - one guy started singing Hero in an Enriqué impression that was freaking hillarious.

It also helped that alcohol was available at reasonable prices. While the rest of the audience was storming the t-shirt table at intermission, I staked out a nice position on the balcony with a Rum and Coke and was able to observe the following about the attendees:
- The demographic for Musical Comedy appears to be 12 to 35, with a disturbing skew towards 35.
- Contrary to what you would expect, the shoulder length hairstyle for men has not died the horrible death it deserves. Ratty ponytails and poorly groomed beards were also common (your faithful correspondent excepted).
- Fanny Packs: for God's sake get a clue.
- I may be the only person left in this world who doesn't have those Buddy Holly style glasses. I'm serious. It's out of control.

So there you go. An in-depth analysis of a social subculture. Consider yourselves edified for the day.

Posted by savidant at October 16, 2002 01:06 PM
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