January 31, 2003
damsel in distress

it snowed in Fontainebleau yesterday and today the world is covered in white and everything is frozen.

including the lock for my fuel tank.

on a good day, it is difficult to open. when it's frozen, it is near impossible.

so here i am, struggling with my key when a guy pulls up on his motorcycle.

suffice to say, he opens my gas tank in less than 30 secs after whipping out a lighter from his package of cigarettes and heating up my key.

there's just something about being rescued by a guy dressed in black leather, driving a motorcycle. something even better than a knight on a white horse, that just starts off your day on a high note.

Posted by nicki at January 31, 2003 05:07 PM

come on now. if a knight on a white horse rode up and unfroze your lock, that would be way better.

Posted by: ben on February 1, 2003 01:00 AM

i'd say it depends on the motorcycle. if he was riding one of those
hot little french numbers... hoo-ah. high note indeed.

Posted by: michal on February 1, 2003 02:10 AM

no way. not even if it was a monster truck. maybe if it was one of those great big trucks like jackie chan uses to knock that guy's house down in mr. nice guy.

Posted by: ben on February 1, 2003 02:38 AM

monster trucks:

Posted by: r. on February 5, 2003 12:05 AM
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