Those guys suck! What ever happened to trying to make the customer happy.
Posted by JBWild at September 9, 2004 01:34 AM1. I paid for FULL service ADSL
2. Telus has removed a portion of that service
3. Because the service is reduced, there should be a reduction in the fee to compensate for less service received.
Logically speaking, this is the same as Telus removing the use of, say, the number 9 from our phone keypads. Functionality is significantly reduced. I wonder what a judge might decide if this was presented to him in court?
Posted by GM at September 11, 2004 04:44 AMyou might want to take a look at the details of what you paid for,
The important line here is:
"You are not permitted to operate an e-mail, web, news or other similar server through a TELUS Internet Services high speed service, except as specified by TELUS."
That line never used to be in the TOS. It was just recently added about the same time they started blocking ports.
Posted by b1llyb0ng at September 23, 2004 03:15 PM