Well, it seems that like a lot of people here, I have severely neglected my log for the past little while. So some updates are in order:
I'm still working in North Vancouver and still enjoying my job . I have been climbing a lot and recently ascended "The Chief" for the first time. I'm quite proud of this as it has been a goal of mine ever since I started climbing outdoors in Vancouver a few years ago. There is still one part that I need some help with, but hopefully that will come out in the wash soon enough.
Some more recent climbing pics can be found on my gallery.
I have been busy trying to fix up my computer network as my ADSL modem decided that to live any longer than 9 months in a closet was too much to ask for. My 19" monitor gave up its last electron blast 3 days prior to this incident. Oh, and hang on remember the rule of threes: Yup, the heads on the hard-disk of my firewall are probably fused to the surface of the platters. :) OH JOY!
Got the modem replaced after much delay and confusion. Still working on a firewall replacement. ;)
I went to my friends wedding party after a session of bouldering in Squamish. Did lots of fun stuff while I was there and will put up the pics of "The Birth Canal" (V0+) when I get them. Did some other classics like "Titanic" (V3), "Out of the Depths", (V2/3), "Titanic Dyno/Mantle" (V3) ... in my hiking boots... "Titanic Traverse" (V4)....didn't quite finish that one though!
Anyway I'm really enjoying my summer, although I should really get back swimming again, start drinking less beer...and smoking fewer cigarettes. I also have plans to rid myself of my motorcycle... any takers? :)
Posted by cjones at July 14, 2003 01:15 AMyou forgot to close a tag in your html.