January 10, 2005


Once upon a time there was a very, very happy snowman. He was really happy because he had the cool getaway car complete with a blonde who happened to have big feet and flashing LED earrings.

But it turned out that the snowman was just too cool for Jem, and she ran off with a hotter man. Snowman was sad. When Snowman frowned, people sometimes mistook him for Burt Reynolds because his mouth kind of looks like a really big moustache. But it was a frown, trust me.

To make matters worse, the getaway car tried to get away with murder. Poor Snowman was smashed on impact, losing his bottom, but managing to keep his moustachy frown intact.

This is a sad story, with no happy ending, except perhaps, for Jem.

(credits for character development: Snowman and car wouldn't have been possible without Ben, but he didn't supply Glitter and Gold Jem)

Posted by brendare at January 10, 2005 04:29 PM