November 17, 2004

photos of food!

Olaya sent me some photos. Here I have a photo of what I had for lunch last Thursday in Oviedo:

You can see on my plate Gulas con espárrago. It's some white asparagus with gulas in the middle. They are a type of seafood (fish maybe?), they look a little bit like worms. The original gulas were becoming more scarce, so they found another fish that they cut up to resemble gulas, and had a simlar taste. But now this copy of the original is also becoming scarce, so they have made a copy of the copy....

On the cheese plate to the right, the cheese in the middle is the queso de cabrales, and you eat it with the candied walnuts. There is marmalada on the plate as well, which you can eat with the cheese. It's really good, it's better than marmalade. The one on the corner has 'pimento' in it, and is really soft and yummy.

It's too bad the washroom was a bit small to take a photo of well, but it was cool. Here is another photo:

Posted by brendare at November 17, 2004 09:18 AM