Apple released iTunes 4.7 yesterday, one of the undocumented 'improvements' is that it breaks the iPod Download plugin. Now, I know that Apple doesn't like this plugin, I suspect for some serious legal liabilities, so it is somewhat hard to come by but google can help you find it (don't ask me for it). But, like I said, Apple 'fixed' iTunes 4.7 and even if you have the plugin it won't work with the new version. But they didn't do a very thorough job of fixing iTunes 4.7. You can open the plugin, usually at "/Library/iTunes/iTunes Plug-ins", with hexedit, do a search for "download" and change a few characters here and there (I leave it up to you to figure out exactly what to change) and the plugin should work again.
Posted by bforsyth at October 27, 2004 02:46 PMThanks for the encouragement, but it seems to have eluded me. I pulled up hexedit, peeked at the datafork, tried altering both instances of the word 'download' without useful results. Checked the rsrc fork on the off chance there was anything worthwhile there. Any chance of handing out a slightly clearer hint? I'll take another crack at it tomorrow I guess.
Posted by: Laurion at November 1, 2004 02:04 PMI had changed the name of plugin file too but I don't think that should make a difference. You should only have to change the download instance that isn't in a URL.
Posted by: bforsyth at November 1, 2004 02:56 PMThe same idea but modifiying iTunes (will break on the next iTunes upgrade and all around a little bit scarier),