I read the antiflux log comments rss feed (http://log.antiflux.org/comments.xml) and I have noticed that there is a lot of spam showing up on it. Hopefully some of you read my log once in a while and will read this email. The 'system' has MT-Blacklist installed on antiflux, which can block and remove existing spam, but it isn't turned on by default. Here's how to turn it on for your blog:
go to http://log.antiflux.org/mt-blacklist.cgi and log in with your blog id and password. Then click on the "Configure" button just below the title "MT-Blacklist" and between the "Publish" and "About" buttons. Once the configure page comes up check the "Blocking spam Comments" checkbox and save your configuration. Then presto! no more blog comment spam (or at least significantly reduced spam).
Posted by bforsyth at October 5, 2004 08:42 AMActually, it's turned on for everyone now. Only a few blogs (yours included) were not checked off, for whatever reason.
There's still a lot of spam making it through, though... enough to make me want to blacklist all comments with 'poker' in them.
Posted by: grant at October 5, 2004 10:56 AM