The photo you are using as "figure 2" is a photograph of my recklessly pyrotechnic cooking and is under copyright. You may use the fiery-death photo only if you give me the sacrifice of an elderly goat. For proof that it is mine, invite me into your home and leave me alone for 35 minutes with: a barbecue, some sesame-seed oil and a "already pretty burnt" muffin tray.Thanks very much.
Posted by: Theodore in New Jersey on December 2, 2002 10:42 AMthe photo you are using as "figure 2" is a photograph by me (and not by Phoophaninny France) and is under copyright express and implied. You may use the fiery-death photo only iff you give Theodore in New Jersey the sacrifice of an elderly goat. For proof that it is mine, examine closely for digital watermarks a la miss France. Thanks very much.
Posted by: r. on December 4, 2002 05:55 PMdude, i took that picture.
Posted by: ben on December 4, 2002 06:21 PM